This infographic illustrates the impact SVP has on our partners — inspiring them to give more, give more strategically and get more engaged in their community. It is based on […]
SVPI’s biennial report that measures across the network investee satisfaction with SVP; and time, money, and connections received by investees through partners.
SVPI’s biennial report that measures partner engagement and changes in the amount they give, how they give, and their community involvement.
Pre- and post-survey tools for grant committees to help SVPs evaluate the effectiveness of their philanthropy development strategies.
Worksheets to assist with data analysis for the grant committee pre- and post-surveys.
Sample language for SVPs to use when sending out the philanthropy development outcomes survey to partners.
Copy of the complete SVP Philanthropy Development Outcomes Survey administered by SVP affiliates.
Sample language for SVPs to use when drafting their philanthropy outcomes report. This version does not include language to report on grant committee pre- and post-survey findings.