Affiliate sample financial policies and procedures, approved by SVP Minnesota Board of Directors 2018.
Effective engaged philanthropy neither begins nor ends with writing a check; it requires research, self knowledge, authentic relationships, and prudent selection of the right vehicle to achieve the goal. While […]
A slide deck detailing the benefits, implementation, promotion, and case study for SVP Dallas’s Partner & Prosper corporate partnership program. JP Morgan Chase was the first participant in this program.
An article written for SVPI’s Amped! newsletter documents SVP Cleveland’s Personally-Significant Giving Model, a new partner contribution model.
An overview document of SVP Minnesota’s Philanthropic Partner program, one of two corporate partner programs they run. The affiliate uses this document to conduct outreach with potential philanthropic partners.
An overview document of SVP Minnesota’s Corporate Partner program. The affiliate uses this document to conduct outreach with potential corporate partners.
A document outlining the typical agenda for a site visit, as well as questions to ask during the visit. This resource is helpful for members of the due diligence team […]
The form SVP Minnesota uses to evaluate a potential investee during a site visit.