Let’s Lead by Example

Hello SVP Community,
As a long-time SVP Partner, I’ve gotten to know many of you over the years. And, like you, I worry about what’s happening in the world and how we can do more together to strengthen communities in the face of injustice.
Sticking around through uncertainty to change systems towards more justice takes grit, resilience, and patience. And, it also takes community and commitment to shared values.
My ask for you: Join me and many other SVP Partners by adding your name to this growing list of donors around the globe standing together for transformational philanthropy that enables collective action, more justice, frontline leadership, equitable systems, and belonging.
Make your commitment tangible with a gift of $100, $250 or whatever moves you right here. (In the spirit of collective giving and directing funding to those that have not had historic philanthropic investment, we will be granting these “commitment” resources to systems change leaders around the globe, starting with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color led efforts in the U.S. in fall 2020).
What’s the value of a public commitment like this? It’s a signal to social change leaders that we are joining this movement of change for the long run and that they can count on us to invest resources alongside our statements of solidarity. It’s also a signal to our peers – other philanthropists and donors – that there’s a movement where they can unite around shared values, learn about collective giving, work for systems change, and build anew.
And, it’s a rallying call for us as SVP Partners to join in collective action and amplify the values we each stand for as members of the global SVP community. After all, this kind of transformational philanthropy – being shoulder-to-shoulder with changemakers, evolving systems to be more equitable, disrupting historic institutional funding patterns – is part of what brings us together in our local SVPs.
Now, it’s time for us to lead by example with these values on a regional, national, and global scale.
What better time to make the presence of a compassionate and dedicated community of changemakers felt in the world? I hope you’ll join me in making your solidarity commitment today.
Thanks for all you do,

Mike Cadigan
SVP Partner