Collective momentum in 2021: Network stories, and more
We’re a year into this pandemic. I remember this time last year, as Seattle shut down and we faced so much uncertainty in our communities and in our daily lives. I’m reflecting on how this pandemic and the global racial and economic reckoning have radically altered the way we live, learn, work, give, and engage; and profoundly shaped our understanding of what SVP can be now and into the future.
Many of you joined us last year as we asked how we can reimagine our work to once again center collective action, connectedness, and accountability. I’m proud that as we explore these questions, we are living our values.
Through SVP’s renewed focus to reimagine giving we are building strategic organizational alliances to situate our Affiliates’ learnings in the broader philanthropic sector, evolving our practices locally to center communities, and we’re catalyzing resources in partnership with leaders who are on the frontlines.
Read on to learn more about the collective momentum we’re building around the globe as SVP Affiliates and the Network reimagine giving.
Reimagine Giving Across Our Sector
This May, join with donors and do-ers from SVPs and other giving circles. Our Global Summit is now in partnership with our friends at Philanthropy Together. We are hosting an interactive virtual convening to connect and learn at scale and amplify SVP’s approach beyond our own community.
We Give Summit with Philanthropy Together!
More about the Summit is coming soon, register today with code “SVPI” for $20 off the fee.
Reimagine Giving Around the Network
SVPs around the globe reimagine giving to evolve who sets the agenda in philanthropy, to challenge how resources flow towards systemic change, and to practice new ways of being accountable, shifting power, and connecting in community.
Here are two stories from SVP Tucson and SVP Philadelphia doing exactly that:
SVP Tucson built upon a successful Fast Pitch model to adapt to one that acknowledges that SVP can play a role in addressing historic inequities in philanthropy.
Ciara Garcia, CEO of SVP Tucson:
“Our Fast Pitch now serves organizations who focus on marginalized and under resourced communities and social justice. We are covering topics such as incarceration, gender inequality, education disparity, toxic masculinity and loss of indigenous identity in a way that:
- Highlights and supports Black, Indigenous, and People of Color leaders (7 of 10 participants);
- Drives resources to these organizations (we quadrupled the amount of $ we are distributing from $40k last year to $160k+ this year);
- Drives relationships for these orgs (we have follow up donor connection events for these leaders with community foundation donors); and so much more!”
SVP Philadelphia engaged in a community-wide learning agenda to launch their SVP. As a result of this initial learning phase, they announced a three-year commitment to invest $600k into organizations led by and serving Communities of Color, a tangible way to practice impact and trust based philanthropy. (Pictured: Dalila Wilson-Scott, SVP Philadelphia Founding Partner)
Jen Gleason, Managing Director of SVP Philadelphia:
“At SVP Philadelphia, we are committed to understanding the barriers that make eradicating poverty so complex. Our model is designed for SVP Partners to not only invest our time and resources, but to learn as much as we can from the wisdom of the leaders on the ground, and to become champions for their work.”
Reimagine Giving at Scale
With these local innovations moving forward, we are also shifting our work to catch-up at scale. Through the support of a new planning grant from W.K. Kellogg Foundation, over the next 18 months we will begin to engage with movement, philanthropy, and community leaders, and many of you around the globe through an engagement and advisory process to:
- Help us hone and apply a global analysis of justice
- Assess the feasibility of a global pooled giving and grantmaking fund, and
- Reimagine who sets the agenda for our work locally, nationally, and globally, and how we grow
Grant funds will resource and engage Black, Indigenous, People of Color and global grassroots leaders to help shape SVP’s future.
Today there are more donors than ever before and many of them are asking “What else? What next? ” Community members are wondering if this influx of resources and focus on structural and systemic change will last. And philanthropy writ large is asking critical questions about what we need to do to step up to meet this moment, how donors can be more global as we face global challenges, and how we can center frontline communities and rapidly catalyze resources to the frontlines. Philanthropic support organizations like SVP find ourselves faced with figuring out our essential role in the midst of all of these changes so that we can enable more community centered philanthropy.
The momentum we’re seeing around the globe reflects our evolution to reimagine who we are and write the next chapter for SVP – a chapter centered on the practice of changing systems towards justice, sharing power, and acting collectively.
These updates only cover a fraction of the work taking place across our network. I’ll be back with more in the months ahead. I’m excited to work with you all to build a more powerful and just future for our communities.

Sudha Nandagopal
SVP International